The CLIENT Application
and its features


  • Freely available: No registration is required.
  • One-shop system: one-shop system for the substitution of risky chemicals.
  • High-throughput system: provides a substitution approach based on the level of safety, the functional uses and a similarity algorithm.
  • High covering: includes several authoritative lists thoughtfully evaluated by panel of experts.
  • Real case focus: provides information specifically related to the sector of cosmetics

Download Installing and starting ToxEraser Cosmetics Software

ToxEraser Cosmetics is a JAVA application that works on every operating system (Windows/Linux/Mac) supporting Java. Before proceeding, please check what version of Java is installed in your OS and if the JAVA_PATH environment variable is correctly set (for further details, please refer to Oracle documentation).

ToxEraser Cosmetics works with Java 8 or OpenJDK Java 11+: depending on what version is installed or set in your operative system please follow the instructions below:

JAVA 8: Download and unpack the zipped file. To start the application, move to the application folder and run the file starter.bat (on Windows platforms) or starter.sh (on Linux platforms).

OPEN JDK JAVA 11 or greater: Download and unpack the zipped file. To start the application you can just run the file ToxEraserGUI-0.8.6.jar. On most systems, it is enough to double-click it. If you are not able to directly run it, open a command line window (like Command Prompt on Windows systems or BASH shell on Linux), move to the application folder and type:

java -jar ToxEraserGUI-0.8.6.jar

Developed by

  • logo angel consulting
  • logo bfr
  • logo EDF - Electricité de France SA
  • Ineris logo
  • Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri - IRCCS
  • KODE chemo informatics logo