Here you can download in Silico models (QSAR and read across) for specific properties, or programs to build up your own model
With VEGA you can get a clear measurement of the reliability of the prediction, and also visualize the most similar compounds of your target substance, for read across assessment. VEGA has been used by ECHA to identify substances suspect to meet Annex III criteria for REACH.
A free software system to support decisions with regard to dispersant use as mitigation measure after marine oil spills
A free software system to support the risk assessment of solvents released in surface water.
The software, freely available, was develop with the aim to identify risky FCM and suggest safer alternatives as remedy
Within the EC-funded LIFE project CONCERT REACH, the new software system SWAN has been developed, which implements a weight of evidence strategy for assessing the properties of substances, integrating Non-testing methods.
Within the LIFE VERMEER project, a new software system for cosmetics has been designed allowing an overall evaluation of cosmetic ingredients and providing detailed investigation of cosmetics risk scenarios.
The software, freely available, was develop with the aim to identify risky solvents and suggest safer alternatives as remedy.
A free software system to support the risk assessment of rodenticides released in surface water.