VERMEER Solvents
VERMEER Dispersants
April 10, 2022
March 9, 2023
Within the LIFE VERMEER project, a new software system to support the risk assessment of solvents released in surface water has been developed.

The software allows to estimate the concentration of solvents in aquatic organisms and to predict several physico-chemical and ecotoxicological endpoints required for regulatory purpose.

VERMEER Solvents, according to the scenarios defined by ECHA, allows to predict the concentration of solvents released in surface water providing at the same time predictions for ecotoxicological endpoints. The user is asked to provide the information regarding the chemical(s) and the species of concern, and other important parameters and physico-chemical properties in order to launch the simulation.

The software allows to run both deterministic and probabilistic simulations.


  • Freely available: no registration required.
  • One-shop system: one-shop system for the risk assessment of solvents.
  • High covering: hazard and exposure assessment within one platform.
  • QSAR models inside: models for ecotoxicity endpoints included.
  • Detailed output: deterministic and probabilistic simulation possible.

VERMEER Solvents v5.0 is included in the latest version of MERLIN-Expo (version 4.0.29)

To download the installer, setup_MERLIN-Expo_4.0.29_XXbit.exe, visit the MERLIN-Expo official site

If you have a previous version installed, you can update it by starting MERLIN-Expo and accepting the download of the updates in the Update notification that is prompted.
To run the VERMEER Solvents v5.0 tool: go to ‘New’ and in the ‘Open template’ window select VERMEER Solvents v5.0

Note that the user manual is not included in the model. Instead, the description of the tool (‘Information tab’ – ‘Description’) includes the link to access the manual.

Developed by

  • logo angel consulting
  • logo bfr
  • logo EDF - Electricité de France SA
  • Ineris logo
  • Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri - IRCCS
  • KODE chemo informatics logo