January 31, 2017
January 31, 2017
Provides an overall PBT
(persistence, bio-concentration, toxicity) assessment based on QSAR modelling

The Prometheus application provides an overall PBT (persistence, bio-concentration, toxicity) assessment based on QSAR modelling, combined in a final score useful for ranking compounds.

It is based on the conceptual scheme developed within the Prometheus project of the UBA (Umwelt Bundesamt, German Federal Environment Agency) and fully reported in the following publication:

F Pizzo, A Lombardo, A Manganaro, C Cappelli, M Petoumenou, F Albanese, A Roncaglioni, M Brandt, E Benfenati, “Integrated in silico strategy for PBT assessment and prioritization under REACH”, Environmental Research 151, 478-492


Developed by

  • Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri - IRCCS
  • KnowledgeMiner logo
  • KODE chemo informatics logo
  • UBA logo