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November 7, 2023

SILIFOOD a new tool for FCM

SILIFOOD a new  tool to collect regulatory and hazard data of single organic substances in Food Contact Materials
October 11, 2023

The ebook with a complete guide about VEGAHUB is available

The ebook with a complete guide about VEGAHUB is available, covering the theory and practical examples.
October 11, 2023

VERA a new read-across tool

A new read-across tool, called VERA, for carcinogenicity and fish acute toxicity is available.
October 11, 2023

New ToxRead Version is online

The last release of ToxRead provides separate modules for read-across, for tens of endpoints.
October 11, 2023

New VEGA version is online

The last release of VEGA includes more than 100 in silico models freely available.
October 11, 2023

Older versions of VEGA QSAR Application are available to download

In June2023 the LIFE CONCERT REACH project ended. The project developed tens of new QSAR and read-across tools, implemented in VEGAHUB, and compiled a list of hundreds of them available for REACH. (
December 23, 2021

Workshop – The Cosmetics Case Study: Advanced Tools for Risk Assessment and Substitution

February 4th - 2022, The Life VERMEER project has the ambitious goal to increase and promote the use of in silico methods to carry out the risk assessment and the subsequent substitution of risky chemicals.
December 23, 2021

Workshop on Developed Risk Assessment Tools

January 25th - 2022, The workshop will provide an overview on capabilities and the field of application of the developed tools covering predictive approaches for physico-chemical and toxicological properties of chemicals using QSAR-models and models to estimate their environmental fate as well as the uptake and effect in environmental organisms and humans.
December 14, 2021

Older versions of VEGA QSAR Application are available to download

Download previous versions of VEGA QSAR Application now is possible on VEGA HUB platform.
December 14, 2021

Prize IPAM – Farmindustria 2021

Gianluca Selvestrel with his work on the VERMEER Cosmolife software has achieved the second place in the ‘IPAM – Farmindustria 2021’ prize.